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DXC Assure Interact

Digital-first customer experiences that are personal, intuitive and empathetic — and faster, more automated and more scalable.

3x - 5x improvement
In self-service containment v. traditional IVR
10 - 15% reduction
In call duration
20x improvement
In number of misdirected call re-routed automatically

DXC Assure Interact is a conversational AI solution for insurers that provides digital-first customer experiences that are personal, intuitive, and empathetic. Intelligent technology handles common queries, conversations, and transactions and seamlessly engages and informs human agents when intervention is required.

DXC Assure Interact is a cloud-based omnichannel solution leveraging DXC’s deep insurance knowledge base and the power of AI to drive operational efficiencies, speed to value, enhanced quality of service, and improved scalability.

Discover how Conversational AI is revolutionizing the insurance industry and driving meaningful customer relationships through empathetic conversations.

Read the IDC guest blog

Read the IDC Spotlight Report

DXC Assure Interact

An out-of-the-box solution with three core components:

Digital Employee

Amelia Conversational AI, a concierge digital employee

Persona-based Service Portals

Persona-based service portals based on decades of DXC insurance knowledge


An interaction analytics portal

DXC Assure Interact demo

See how all the components come together to provide a meaningful and valuable experience for your customers.

The Future of Insurance is Conversational

Watch this video infographic to discover why insurers need a digital assistant strategy to succeed in a digital first world.

Cognitive computing: A powerful enabler of insurance customer service

Insurance process automation that augments human intelligence can improve customer satisfaction.

If you don’t have a Generative AI strategy, it’s time to get one

There are serious challenges and concerns around the use of Generative AI, but with the right safeguards in place, organizations can — and should — start using the technology now.

Conversational AI transforms the insurance customer conversation

Conversational AI is in the race to automate customer service and consumer interaction in the insurance industry, providing capabilities to grow customer conversion, and improve IVR authentication and call routing.

Partners and key collaborators


Create connections with DXC's conversational AI services based on AMELIA's market-leading cognizant platform.